Yuedhra Ever-Wind is a mysterious and highly complicated individual. As the chosen prophet of the goddess known as Mother-Wind, and the Grand Steward of The Tale of All Tales, The Legend of The Eternal Scar, he is recognized throughout the universe as the Sacred Tale-Keeper, the guardian of all galactic secrets, legends, and fables. A master of esoteric symbology, he is the Sage of Thra Athar, the underworld-city of the sea-elves. He is also a preeminent scholar of the history of the world of Zailar and the eldest practitioner of the magic of Wind-Craft.
Entrusted with the ancient Wheel of The Wind, an enchanted portal of awesome interdimensional power, he has been searching for the prophesied savior of his world for six thousand years. Suffering for far too long through the unending reign of the Star-Slayer Deralius in his various reincarnations, he has now resigned himself to hiding deep in the caves of Thra Athar, bereft of all hope. After so many thousands of years, will his long-awaited prophecies of salvation ever come to pass? Will the fated wielder of the Eternal Scar emerge to challenge the Star-Slayer?
Known as the Goddess of Gale, The Wind, and Eloria, the origins of Mother-Wind remain a shrouded mystery. According to Yuedhra Ever-Wind’s “Chronicles of The Tale-Keeper,” she serves Mother-Light and is the guardian of the Eternal Scar… a mysterious portal at the end of the universe.
“The Visions of Enekrat” states that Eloria is ever-living and the offspring of Aethern The Ancient, Lord of Eternity. Not much is known about who gave birth to her. Some ancient scrolls suggest she might be uncreated; an eternal being with no beginning or end. Is she a mortal or immortal?
Presently, in The Legend of Mother-Wind, we are discovering that she seems to be mortal. We know that she has an ancient relationship with the Star-Slayer Deralius but what is not known is exactly why she has no recollection of her past life as an immortal. Who is she?
We will unfurl this mystery in the next coming months…
Known as “The Great Father of Eternity,” Aethern The Ancient is the uncreated primordial being of existence. Known in some ancient Genarian manuscripts as “The Great Tree,” he is the master architect of the realm of eternity and the progenitor of the realm of time. Out of the roots of his inmost being, he birthed Mother-Light Anutherlyoth, the Mother of Time, and Eloria, known also as Mother-Wind, according to the “Cosmic Mythos.” From the astral synergy of his and Mother-Light’s eternal song, the never-ending power of love was created. This sacred union was embodied by the Tree of The Flame, the seed of his seed, thus time was created from eternity.
The Children of The Flame were born from this mystical tree. Known as the Star-Seed, they were destined to spread the light of The Flame, the power of the love of Aethern The Ancient and Mother-Light, across the universe. After a deep disagreement between Aethern and Mother-Light occurred in eternity-past regarding her children, the Eternal Scar, a deep wound between the realms of eternity and time was formed.
The Volumes of Anakol state that Aethern and Mother-Light have been separated since then. He has been known to appear in various worlds at critical times to guide key characters in restoring order to the imbalance between eternity and time. His sole purpose now is to help in healing the galactic rift between him and Mother-Light embodied in the unstable portal of power known as the Eternal Scar.
Her names are many. Mother-Light. Anutherlyoth. Queen-Star. Star of All Verses. Master-Queen. Mother-Star. The Dawn. Matriarch of Time. The Flame. The Ever-Morning, and The Dawn-Star. She shines at the center of the universe. Her light is the source of all mortals from all worlds in the realm of time. Her power is great. The deep rift between her and Aethern The Ancient caused the infamous portal known as the Eternal Scar; an alternate dimension with unlimited multiversal worlds and galaxies.
After Deralius led her children astray, causing the deaths of millions of star-children, she cursed him and sentenced him to eternity in the prison of the Eternal Scar. When Deralius escaped that prison, she blessed her only surviving son, Zulion. She commissioned him to spread the power of The Flame to the uttermost ends of the universe to neutralize the dark matter flowing out of the Eternal Scar known as The Ever-Night.
After his mother’s command to spread The Flame across The Cradle of The Universe, Zulion began by creating his own world… Zailar… a utopian planet blessed with the brilliant cosmic power of The Ever-Morning… a world without death, shadows, night, or imperfection.
After Deralius subverted the power of The Ever-Morning, Zulion reappeared in the Four Towns, re-establishing the mystical altar of The Flame. Presently, by episode 7 of The Legend of Mother-Wind, he is traveling next to Thra Athar, the tribe of the sea-elves, but now Deralius understands his brother’s plans. Zulion must spread The Flame throughout the world of Zailar, to reestablish The Ever-Morning and dispel the enslaving darkness of The Ever-Night.
The mystery of what happened in eternity-past between Zulion, Eloria, and Deralius will be explored further in future episodes of Chronicles of The Tale-Keeper.
He was originally named Leeuwth-Rayene (“fire of passion”) but after killing millions of his brothers and sisters, he was cursed by his mother and renamed Deralius, which in star-tongue means, “Star-Slayer.”
Sentenced by his mother to the Eternal Scar, Deralius was brought to that dark portal by Mother-Wind, also known as Eloria. It was there where a complicated relationship that would span millions of years would begin. Before Deralius entered the dark galactic prison of the Eternal Scar, he requested that Eloria reveal her physical form to him. After seeing her for the first time, Deralius fell in love with her perfect beauty.
Since that time, his sole purpose was to find her and win her heart. After millions of years in the prison of the Eternal Scar, Deralius is free but not from the dark snaking power of The Ever-Night known as The Black Chain. This ancient spirit of great power promised to deliver Eloria’s love to him on one condition… he must hand over the world of Zailar to him.
Empowered by the black magic of The Ever-Night, Deralius will follow Eloria to the ends of the universe. He will do anything to convince her to fall in love with him… no matter how many kingdoms fall, mortals die, or worlds are destroyed.
I'd like to buy Mother Wind a flagon / tankard of ale, mead, ambrosia...... 🍷🥂🍾 Whatever she WANTS !
He has returned! Yes! Great recap! Looking forward to the next episodes!